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One of the key consequences of examination malpractice is the erosion of academic standards. When students resort to cheating or other unethical practices to obtain good grades, it devalues the educational qualifications and diminishes the credibility of the entire system. This can have long-term effects on the quality of education and the competitiveness of students in the global job market. Another consequence of examination malpractice is the negative impact on students’ moral and ethical development. When students engage in cheating, they are not only compromising their own values but also sending a message that dishonesty is acceptable. This can have a detrimental effect on their character formation and their ability to make ethical decisions in the future (Olujuwon, 2004).

Examination is a formal test of some body’s knowledge or ability in a particular subject; especially by means of answering questions or practical exercises. Examination is also seen as the process through which students are evaluated or tested to find out the quality of knowledge they have acquired within a specified period of study.

According to Olujuwon (2004), the Nigeria educational system is in a state of confusion and disarray. This is as a result of inconsistence and non-implementation of educational policies, corruption and corrupt practices perpetrated by the stake – holders. There had been a clarion call by all and sundry to re-examine and appraise the educational system in line with current trends.

Examination has been generally accepted as the best means of assessment. It is a formal test of knowledge or ability. Infact, in a school setting, examination is a means of evaluating the quantity of knowledge a student has acquired within a specific period of time. Adekunle (2003) sees examination as an instrument used for the assessment of individual skills and knowledge-content, both in general and specific area of study.

Teaching and learning become more effective when the students are subjected to an examination process to determine the extent to which the students have assimilated the content of the instruction given and the teacher can also assess himself from the performance of the students. In essence, examinations are used to determine pass or fail of a student or group of students in the opinion. History seems to support the view that setting children against one another in trials and competitions has always been a respectable means of inciting them of deal’’. A student who knows that he might fall on examination which will in turn determine his progress or promotion will strive hard in order to pass. This once more encourages kind of competition within groups of students who will dim at nigh position in their classes.

Examinations are also used for academic stratification or for assigning grades to students. For decade, the West Africa Examination Council awards results on the basis of some stratification’s and three. The contemporary practice of (N.C.E). Students are stratified into distinction, credit merit and pass, while in the university also, students are stratified into first, second (upper and lower) or third class degrees having gone through an examination. These grades are a measure of success and prestige.  A child with a division one pass in school certificate examination will be regarded by those around him as academically precocious. He is also likely to have a place in the institution of higher learning or in job situation within the society easier than a child with a division three pass. All these conditions have combined to influence a child’s attitude to an examination; attitude which always colonnade in an urge for success in any particular examination whether or not he had prepared for it. These competitions in school have their parallel in the society.

Unfortunately, this all important means of assessing students has become ineffective as all forms of malpractice have been introduced into the system. Adesina (2000) traced the history of examination malpractice in Nigeria to 1914. When there was a leakage of the Cambridge examination. Cheating became widespread in schools hence in 1967, the Alexander Commission was set up as a special commission of inquiry to investigate the incidences of malpractice in Nigeria.

In 1977, there was a widespread leakage of the West Africa School Certificate Examination questions. Government took it as a challenge to address issues of examination malpractice. A special conference was held in that regard at Ibadan in 1986. Decrees were promulgated, schools were sanctioned, results cancelled and invigilators arrested all in a bid to curb malpractice.

The irony of it all is that despite the several attempts made by school authorities, government agencies, parents and church leaders in trying to concentise the Nigerian students on the evils of examination malpractice, this menace is still in its increase in the various schools. There is the need to find out the causes and solutions of examination malpractice in Nigerian schools.


Examination malpractice in senior secondary schools has become a pressing issue in recent years. The problem stems from various factors, including the intense pressure to perform well academically, lack of proper supervision during exams, and the availability of advanced cheating methods. These problems have serious consequences for both students and the education system as a whole.

One of the main causes of examination malpractice is the high expectations placed on students to achieve good grades. The competitive nature of the education system often leads to a culture of cheating, as students feel compelled to resort to unethical means to secure good results. This pressure can be overwhelming, especially for students who may not have the necessary resources or support to excel academically.

Another contributing factor to examination malpractice is the lack of proper supervision during exams. In some cases, invigilators may be negligent or easily bribed, allowing students to cheat without consequences. Additionally, the use of technology, such as hidden earpieces or smartphones, has made it easier for students to cheat discreetly during exams.

The consequences of examination malpractice are far-reaching. Firstly, it undermines the integrity of the education system, as it creates an unfair advantage for those who cheat. This erodes the trust and credibility of academic qualifications. Secondly, it hampers the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as students rely on shortcuts rather than genuine understanding of the subject matter.

Furthermore, examination malpractice can have detrimental effects on students’ mental health. The constant fear of being caught or the guilt associated with cheating can lead to increased stress and anxiety. This can negatively impact their overall well-being and hinder their ability to learn effectively.

Lastly, examination malpractice perpetuates a cycle of dishonesty and unethical behavior. When students witness others cheating and getting away with it, they may be more inclined to engage in similar practices themselves. This not only compromises their own moral compass but also perpetuates a culture of dishonesty within the education system.


The aim of the study is to examine the causes and consequences of Examination malpractice in senior secondary schools in Oredo Local Government Area. The specific objectives of the study is to:

  • Find the causes of examination malpractice in schools.
  • Evaluate the subjects that students are likely to cheat in and why.
  • Investigate how examination malpractice can be stopped in schools.
  • Find out the strategies that can be adopted to stop exam malpractice in schools.
  • Find out if students’ unserious attitude towards studying hard enough are most likely to cause cheating in an examination.
  • Find out if there is relationship between student’s strong desire to succeed and violating examination norms.


On the basis of the problems, the following Research Questions were formulated:

  • What causes examination malpractice in schools?
  • What subjects are students likely to cheat in and why?
  • How can examination malpractice be stopped?
  • What strategies can be adopted to stop exam malpractice in schools?
  • Are students unserious attitude towards studying hard enough are most likely to cause cheating in an examination?
  • Is there relationship between student’s strong desire to succeed and violating examination norms?

The study on the causes and consequences of examination malpractice in senior secondary schools holds great significance in the field of education. Examination malpractice has become a pervasive issue in many educational systems, and understanding its causes and consequences is crucial for developing effective strategies to combat this problem. By conducting this study, educators and policymakers can gain valuable insights into the underlying factors that contribute to examination malpractice and its impact on students’ academic performance.

One of the significant reasons for conducting this study is to identify the root causes of examination malpractice in senior secondary schools. By understanding the factors that drive students to engage in malpractice, educators can implement targeted interventions to address these issues. This study can shed light on various factors such as peer pressure, lack of ethical values, inadequate preparation, and the influence of technology that contribute to examination malpractice.

Another important aspect of this study is to explore the consequences of examination malpractice on students’ academic achievements and overall educational outcomes. Examination malpractice not only undermines the integrity of the education system but also hampers students’ learning and development. By examining the consequences, such as reduced motivation, decreased self-esteem, and limited knowledge retention, educators can devise strategies to mitigate these negative effects and promote a more conducive learning environment.

The significance of this study also lies in its potential to inform educational policies and practices. By providing empirical evidence on the causes and consequences of examination malpractice, policymakers can make informed decisions to address this issue effectively. This study can contribute to the development of comprehensive policies that focus on prevention, detection, and punishment of examination malpractice, ensuring a fair and transparent evaluation system in senior secondary schools.

Furthermore, this study holds significance for the wider society. Examination malpractice not only affects individual students but also has broader implications for the society at large. By understanding the causes and consequences of examination malpractice, stakeholders can work together to create a culture of academic integrity and ethical behavior. This study can contribute to the development of a responsible and competent workforce, which is essential for the progress and development of any society.

Lastly, the significance of this study lies in its potential to contribute to the existing body of knowledge on examination malpractice. While there have been previous studies on this topic, conducting a comprehensive study on the causes and consequences of examination malpractice in senior secondary schools can provide new insights and perspectives. This study can serve as a foundation for future research and contribute to the ongoing efforts to combat examination malpractice and promote a fair and transparent evaluation system in educational institutions.


This study covered Causes and consequences of Examination malpractice in senior secondary schools in Oredo Local Government Area. And all the secondary teachers and students in secondary schools in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State were used for the study.


This study is limited to investigation of the Causes and solutions of Examination Malpractice in Selected Secondary School in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State as a case study of this research work.


Causes: Causes refer to the factors or reasons that lead to a particular event or situation. In the context of examination malpractice in senior secondary schools, causes can include factors such as pressure to perform well, lack of preparation, lack of ethical values, and the influence of peers.

Consequences: Consequences are the outcomes or results that occur as a result of a particular action or event. In the case of examination malpractice in senior secondary schools, consequences can include academic dishonesty, loss of credibility, disciplinary actions, and negative impact on the educational system.

Examination malpractice: Examination malpractice refers to any form of dishonest or unethical behavior that occurs during examinations. It can include actions such as cheating, copying from others, using unauthorized materials, or engaging in any other form of misconduct that compromises the integrity of the examination process.

Secondary schools: Secondary schools, also known as high schools, are educational institutions that provide education to students in the age range of 14 to 18 years. These schools typically follow the primary education phase and precede higher education or tertiary education.

Examination: An examination is a formal assessment or evaluation of a student’s knowledge, skills, or abilities in a particular subject or field. It is usually conducted through a set of questions or tasks that the student needs to complete within a specified time frame. Examinations are commonly used to measure a student’s understanding and progress in their academic studies.


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