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 This study examined deliverance practice in contemporary Nigeria. The objectives of the study are to: Examine the historical and cultural roots of deliverance practice in Nigeria and its evolution over time; Explore the beliefs and motivations of individuals who seek deliverance in contemporary Nigeria; Investigate the methods and techniques used in deliverance practice and their effectiveness in addressing spiritual and psychological issues; Analyze the impact of deliverance practice on individuals’ mental health and well-being in contemporary Nigerian society; Assess the role of deliverance practice in shaping religious and spiritual beliefs and practices in Nigeria. The study was restricted to Nigeria perspectives. The study concluded that it is evident that deliverance practices play a significant role in the lives of many Nigerians, particularly those who believe in the existence of spiritual forces and the need for spiritual intervention. These practices are deeply rooted in religious beliefs and cultural traditions, and they provide a sense of hope and empowerment to individuals seeking relief from various afflictions. The study, therefore recommended that it is crucial to educate the general public about deliverance practice in Nigeria, its purpose, and potential risks. This can be done through public awareness campaigns, workshops, and seminars.



1.1   Background to the Study

The concept of deliverance practice holds significant importance in the biblical context. In the Old Testament, deliverance is often associated with the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. The book of Exodus narrates how Moses, under God’s guidance, led the Israelites to freedom through various miraculous acts of deliverance. This biblical account establishes the foundation for the belief in deliverance as a means of liberation from spiritual bondage (Akintunde, 2017).

The New Testament also emphasizes the significance of deliverance practice. Jesus Christ, the central figure in Christianity, is portrayed as a deliverer who liberates individuals from various forms of oppression. The Gospels recount numerous instances where Jesus cast out demons and healed the afflicted, demonstrating his authority over evil spirits. These accounts highlight the belief that deliverance is not only a physical act but also a spiritual one, addressing the inner struggles and bondages that individuals may face (Ojo, 2019).

Deliverance practice in contemporary Nigeria refers to the religious and spiritual rituals aimed at freeing individuals from perceived spiritual afflictions or demonic influences. It is a significant aspect of the religious landscape in Nigeria, where various Christian denominations and indigenous belief systems incorporate deliverance practices into their spiritual frameworks.

To understand the contemporary practice of deliverance in Nigeria, it is essential to consider its historical roots. Deliverance practices in Nigeria have evolved from traditional African religious beliefs and practices, as well as the influence of Christianity brought by European missionaries during the colonial era.

The rise of Pentecostalism in Nigeria has greatly impacted the popularity and prevalence of deliverance practices. Pentecostal churches, with their emphasis on spiritual warfare and the power of deliverance, have gained significant followings across the country. These churches often conduct deliverance sessions where individuals seek liberation from various spiritual afflictions.

The practice of deliverance in Nigeria is deeply intertwined with socio-cultural factors. Many Nigerians believe in the existence of malevolent spiritual forces that can cause illness, poverty, or misfortune. Deliverance practices offer a means of addressing these perceived spiritual afflictions and seeking divine intervention for a better life. While deliverance practices have gained popularity, they have also faced criticisms and controversies. Some argue that the practice can be exploitative, with individuals being manipulated or coerced into seeking deliverance at the expense of their financial resources. Others question the efficacy of deliverance in addressing complex social and economic issues.

Deliverance practices have had a profound impact on Nigerian society. They have influenced cultural norms, shaped religious identities, and contributed to the growth of the religious economy. Understanding the role and significance of deliverance in contemporary Nigeria requires examining its broader societal implications.

The biblical view on deliverance practice emphasizes the role of faith and prayer. In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus teaches his disciples that certain types of demons can only be cast out through prayer (Mark 9:29). This suggests that deliverance is not solely dependent on human effort but requires a reliance on God’s power and intervention. Prayer becomes a vital component in seeking deliverance, as it aligns individuals with God’s will and invites His intervention in their lives.

Another aspect of the biblical view on deliverance practice is the importance of repentance and turning away from sin. The book of Acts recounts how the early Christian community engaged in deliverance ministry, often accompanied by repentance and baptism. This highlights the belief that deliverance is not merely a one-time event but an ongoing process that involves a transformation of heart and a commitment to living a righteous life.

It is essential to note that the biblical view on deliverance practice also emphasizes the need for discernment and caution. The apostle Paul warns believers to test the spirits and not believe every claim of deliverance (1 John 4:1). This cautionary approach ensures that deliverance practices align with biblical principles and are not driven by superstition or manipulation.

The biblical view on deliverance practice underscores its significance in addressing spiritual bondage and oppression. It highlights the role of faith, prayer, repentance, and discernment in seeking deliverance. By understanding the biblical perspective on deliverance, individuals can approach this practice with a solid foundation rooted in the teachings of the Bible.

1.2. Statement of the Problem

The practice of deliverance in contemporary Nigeria has gained significant attention and controversy in recent years. Deliverance, also known as spiritual warfare or exorcism, is a religious practice aimed at freeing individuals from spiritual bondage or possession. While deliverance has been a part of Nigerian religious traditions for centuries, its modern manifestation has raised concerns about its impact on individuals’ mental and physical well-being.

One of the main problems surrounding deliverance practice in contemporary Nigeria is the lack of regulation and oversight. Unlike other countries where exorcism is performed by trained and licensed professionals, deliverance in Nigeria is often carried out by self-proclaimed pastors or spiritual leaders without any formal training or qualifications. This lack of regulation raises questions about the safety and effectiveness of the practice.

Another problem is the exploitation of vulnerable individuals seeking deliverance. Many people in Nigeria turn to deliverance as a last resort for their personal or family problems. Unfortunately, some unscrupulous individuals take advantage of their desperation and manipulate them emotionally and financially. This exploitation not only harms the individuals seeking help but also tarnishes the reputation of genuine deliverance practitioners (Oyewole, 2018).

The influence of deliverance practice on mental health is also a significant concern. While some individuals may find relief and comfort through deliverance, others may experience psychological distress or trauma. The intense rituals, exorcisms, and spiritual confrontations involved in deliverance can have a profound impact on individuals’ mental well-being, especially if they are not adequately prepared or supported.

Additionally, the intersection of deliverance practice with cultural beliefs and superstitions poses a challenge. Nigeria is a country with diverse cultural and religious traditions, and deliverance practices often incorporate elements from these traditions. This blending of beliefs can sometimes lead to conflicts and contradictions, making it difficult to establish a standardized approach to deliverance that respects cultural diversity while ensuring ethical and safe practices.

Lastly, the lack of empirical research on deliverance practice in Nigeria is a significant problem. Despite its widespread popularity and influence, there is a dearth of scientific studies examining the efficacy and impact of deliverance on individuals and communities. This lack of research hinders our understanding of the practice and limits our ability to develop evidence-based interventions or guidelines for its safe and ethical implementation.

1.3   Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine deliverance practice in contemporary Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study are to:

  1. Examine the historical and cultural roots of deliverance practice in Nigeria and its evolution over time.
  2. Explore the beliefs and motivations of individuals who seek deliverance in contemporary Nigeria.
  3. Investigate the methods and techniques used in deliverance practice and their effectiveness in addressing spiritual and psychological issues.
  4. Analyze the impact of deliverance practice on individuals’ mental health and well-being in contemporary Nigerian society.
  5. Assess the role of deliverance practice in shaping religious and spiritual beliefs and practices in Nigeria.

1.4. Research Questions

The following research questions were stated for the study:

  1. What are the historical and cultural roots of deliverance practice in Nigeria, and how has it evolved over time?
  2. What are the beliefs and motivations of individuals who seek deliverance in contemporary Nigeria?
  3. What methods and techniques are used in deliverance practice, and how effective are they in addressing spiritual and psychological issues?
  4. What is the impact of deliverance practice on individuals’ mental health and well-being in contemporary Nigerian society?
  5. How does deliverance practice shape religious and spiritual beliefs and practices in Nigeria?

1.5. Significance of the Study

The study of deliverance practice in contemporary Nigeria holds significant importance as it sheds light on the cultural and religious beliefs of the Nigerian society. Understanding the motivations and beliefs of individuals who seek deliverance can provide valuable insights into the religious landscape of the country.

Additionally, investigating the methods and techniques used in deliverance practice and their effectiveness in addressing spiritual and psychological issues can contribute to the development of more effective and evidence-based interventions. This knowledge can be beneficial not only for individuals seeking deliverance but also for mental health professionals and policymakers in Nigeria.

Furthermore, analyzing the impact of deliverance practice on individuals’ mental health and well-being in contemporary Nigerian society is crucial for identifying potential risks and benefits associated with this practice. This information can inform mental health policies and interventions, ensuring the well-being and safety of individuals seeking deliverance.

The role of deliverance practice in shaping religious and spiritual beliefs and practices in Nigeria cannot be overlooked. By assessing this role, we can gain a deeper understanding of the influence of deliverance on the religious landscape of the country and its impact on individuals’ spiritual journeys.

Moreover, studying deliverance practice in contemporary Nigeria can contribute to the broader field of religious studies and anthropology. It can provide comparative insights into similar practices in other cultures and regions, fostering cross-cultural understanding and knowledge exchange.

Finally, the significance of this study lies in its potential to challenge stereotypes and misconceptions surrounding deliverance practice in Nigeria. By conducting rigorous research and presenting accurate findings, we can contribute to a more nuanced and informed understanding of this practice, promoting cultural sensitivity and respect.

1.6. Scope of the Study

The study examines deliverance practice in contemporary Nigeria. The study is restricted to Nigeria.

1.7   Operational Definition of Terms

Deliverance practice: Deliverance practice refers to the act of freeing someone from spiritual or supernatural influences, such as evil spirits or demonic possession. It is often performed through prayer, rituals, or other spiritual practices.

Contemporary: Contemporary, in the context of culture or art, refers to something that is current or modern, reflecting the ideas, styles, and trends of the present time.

Church: A church is a place of worship for followers of a particular religion, typically Christianity. It can also refer to the community of people who gather for religious services and activities.

Religion: Religion is a belief system or set of practices that involves worshiping a higher power or powers, often involving rituals, moral codes, and a sense of purpose or meaning in life.

Christianity: Christianity is a monotheistic religion centered around the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. It is one of the largest religions in the world, with various denominations and beliefs, but generally emphasizing faith in Jesus as the Son of God and the savior of humanity.


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