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1.1 Background to the Study

Self-concept plays a crucial role in academic adjustments among tertiary institution students. According to Bandura’s social cognitive theory (1986), individuals’ self-concept, or their beliefs about their own abilities and worth, can significantly impact their academic performance. Students with a positive self-concept are more likely to engage in adaptive behaviors, such as seeking help when needed and persisting in the face of challenges. On the other hand, students with a negative self-concept may experience difficulties in adjusting to the academic demands of tertiary education.

In addition to self-concept, the disposition of teachers also influences academic adjustments among tertiary institution students. Research by Pianta and Hamre (2009) suggests that teachers’ warmth, support, and positive attitude towards students can enhance their academic engagement and motivation. When students perceive their teachers as caring and supportive, they are more likely to feel connected to the learning environment and develop a sense of belonging. This, in turn, facilitates their academic adjustments and overall success in tertiary education.

Furthermore, the interaction between self-concept and teacher’s disposition is crucial in understanding academic adjustments among tertiary institution students. A study by Wentzel and Wigfield (2009) found that students with a positive self-concept benefit the most from teachers who provide high levels of support and encouragement. These students are more likely to internalize positive feedback and use it to enhance their academic performance. Conversely, students with a negative self-concept may be less responsive to teacher support, highlighting the importance of addressing self-concept issues alongside teacher-student interactions.

It is important to note that self-concept and teacher’s disposition can also have negative effects on academic adjustments. For instance, students with a low self-concept may be more susceptible to negative feedback and criticism from teachers, leading to decreased motivation and engagement. Similarly, teachers with a negative disposition, such as being overly critical or dismissive, can undermine students’ self-confidence and hinder their academic adjustments. Therefore, it is crucial for educators to be aware of the potential negative impacts and strive to create a positive and supportive learning environment.

Several interventions have been proposed to enhance self-concept and teacher’s disposition in order to promote positive academic adjustments among tertiary institution students. For example, self-esteem building activities, such as goal-setting and self-reflection exercises, can help students develop a more positive self-concept. Additionally, teacher training programs that focus on fostering positive teacher-student relationships and providing effective feedback can improve teachers’ disposition and enhance their ability to support students’ academic adjustments.

Self-concept and teacher’s disposition are important factors that influence academic adjustments among tertiary institution students. A positive self-concept can enhance students’ adaptive behaviors and academic performance, while a supportive and positive teacher’s disposition can foster a sense of belonging and motivation. However, negative self-concept and teacher’s disposition can have detrimental effects on students’ academic adjustments. Therefore, it is crucial for educators to address self-concept issues and strive to create a positive and supportive learning environment to promote successful academic adjustments among tertiary institution students.

1.2. Statement of the Problem

A negative teacher’s disposition can lead to feelings of inadequacy and disengagement among students. The problem arises when students with low self-concept encounter teachers with a negative disposition. This combination can have detrimental effects on students’ academic adjustments. Students may feel discouraged, anxious, or even develop a sense of learned helplessness, believing that their efforts will not lead to success. This negative cycle can hinder their ability to adapt to the academic challenges they face in tertiary institutions.

Moreover, the impact of self-concept and teacher’s disposition on academic adjustments is not limited to individual students. It can also affect the overall classroom climate and dynamics. When a significant number of students struggle with their self-concept and encounter teachers with negative dispositions, it can create a toxic learning environment that hampers academic progress for the entire class.

Addressing this problem requires a multi-faceted approach. Firstly, tertiary institutions should prioritize the promotion of positive self-concept among students. This can be achieved through targeted interventions such as counseling services, self-esteem workshops, and mentorship programs. Additionally, teacher training programs should emphasize the importance of fostering a positive disposition towards students, providing educators with the necessary skills to create a supportive learning environment.

Collaboration between students, teachers, and tertiary institutions is crucial in addressing the problem of self-concept and teacher’s disposition on academic adjustments. Open communication channels should be established to allow students to express their concerns and seek support when needed. Teachers should also be encouraged to reflect on their own dispositions and actively work towards creating a positive classroom climate. By addressing these issues collectively, tertiary institutions can create an environment that promotes academic success and well-being among their students.

 1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Study

The study examines the Influence of self-concept and teacher’s disposition on academic adjustments among tertiary institution students in Oyo West LGA, Oyo State, Nigeria. The objectives of the study are:

  1. To examine the relationship between self-concept and academic adjustments among tertiary institution students.
  2. To investigate the impact of teacher’s disposition on academic adjustments among tertiary institution students.
  3. To explore the mediating role of self-concept in the relationship between teacher’s disposition and academic adjustments.
  4. To identify the specific dimensions of self-concept that are most influential in academic adjustments among tertiary institution students.

 1.4   Research Questions

The research questions are stated below:

  1. What is the relationship between self-concept and academic adjustments among tertiary institution students?
  2. What is the impact of teacher’s disposition on academic adjustments among tertiary institution students?
  3. How does self-concept mediate the relationship between teacher’s disposition and academic adjustments?
  4. Which specific dimensions of self-concept are most influential in academic adjustments among tertiary institution students?

1.5   Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement for the study is stated below:

Ho: There is no significant relationship between self-concept and academic adjustments among tertiary institution students.

H1: There is significant relationship between self-concept and academic adjustments among tertiary institution students

 1.6   Significance of the Study

The significance of this study lies in its potential to contribute to the understanding of the factors that influence academic adjustments among tertiary institution students. By examining the influence of self-concept and teacher’s disposition, this study aims to shed light on the specific aspects of these variables that play a crucial role in students’ ability to adapt and succeed in their academic pursuits.

Understanding the impact of self-concept on academic adjustments is important because self-concept refers to an individual’s perception of their own abilities, worth, and potential. By investigating how self-concept influences academic adjustments, this study can provide insights into the psychological factors that contribute to students’ ability to cope with the challenges of tertiary education.

Similarly, exploring the influence of teacher’s disposition on academic adjustments is significant because teachers play a vital role in students’ educational experiences. Teacher’s disposition refers to their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors towards their students. By examining how teacher’s disposition affects academic adjustments, this study can provide valuable insights into the role of teachers in supporting students’ academic success.

Furthermore, this study aims to explore the mediating role of self-concept in the relationship between teacher’s disposition and academic adjustments. This is significant because it can help identify the underlying mechanisms through which teacher’s disposition influences students’ academic adjustments. Understanding these mediating processes can inform the development of interventions and strategies to enhance students’ academic adjustments.

The findings of this study can have practical implications for tertiary institutions, educators, and policymakers. By identifying the specific dimensions of self-concept that are most influential in academic adjustments, this study can inform the design of targeted interventions and support programs to enhance students’ self-concept and promote their academic success.

Overall, this study holds significance in its potential to contribute to the existing body of knowledge on academic adjustments among tertiary institution students. By examining the influence of self-concept and teacher’s disposition, and exploring the mediating role of self-concept, this study can provide valuable insights into the factors that shape students’ ability to adapt and succeed in their academic pursuits.


1.7   Scope of the Study

The study examines the Influence of self-concept and teacher’s disposition on academic adjustments among tertiary institution students in Oyo West LGA, Oyo State, Nigeria. The study is limited to selected tertiary institution in Oyo West, Oyo State.


1.8   Operational Definition of Terms

  1. Influence: Influence refers to the power or effect that one thing has on another. It involves the ability to shape or change someone’s thoughts, actions, or behaviors.


  1. Self-concept: Self-concept refers to an individual’s perception and understanding of themselves. It includes their beliefs, attitudes, and evaluations about their own abilities, qualities, and characteristics.


  1. Teacher: A teacher is an individual who is responsible for instructing and guiding students in an educational setting. They facilitate learning by providing knowledge, guidance, and support to help students acquire new skills and knowledge.


  1. Disposition: Disposition refers to a person’s inherent qualities, characteristics, or temperament. It can also refer to a person’s attitude, behavior, or mindset towards a particular situation or topic.


  1. Academic adjustments: Academic adjustments refer to the changes or adaptations that students make in order to succeed academically. This can include changes in study habits, time management, learning strategies, or seeking additional support or resources.


  1. Tertiary institution students: Tertiary institution students are individuals who are enrolled in higher education institutions such as universities, colleges, or vocational schools. They are pursuing post-secondary education and typically have completed their secondary education.


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